My dad cleared the garden plots of the winter vegetables today. This means we're now moving along with planting the garden for the summer. As you can see, the ground still needs to be turned over, and there are a few plants left in the right plot, such as the cabbages.

This year we'll be paring the number of vegetables and fruits down from what we had last year. We're doing this because we had too many plants in the plots, and way too many vine and crawling plants that a number of plants got crowded out. We had in the old garden:
- Collards (could only get one harvest before the bugs got to them)
- Tomatoes
- White eggplants
- Okra
- Melons
- Watermelons
- Squash
- Cucumbers

That includes three vine plants, and two--melons and cucumbers--were very close to each other, and got very crowded and overlapped. The eggplants didn't work, and the squash were crowded out by the water melons and tomatoes. This year, we're limiting it to two vine plants, the melons and the watermelons, because they turned out so well. We're keeping the tomatoes, and probably doing a couple more plants. My father says he'll turn the soil over in a couple of days, and the plants will probably be put in the upcoming weekend. I'll tell you the final plants we'll be raising then.
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